Call for National Conference speakers

Ticking down to 2024, we invite you to submit ideas for sessions to include in our Conference timetable.


Deadline for submissions: Friday 24 November 2023

Risk management always includes an element of crystal ball gazing, but we want to share more of the known unknowns with members. 2024 may be an election year, but certain changes to the risk landscape will be inevitable, even if a change in government heralds a new political era.

What are the changes in train now that will need action, planning, new policies and new thinking in 2024?

What can you predict a year ahead that may be new and different to ALARM members in 2024?

Subjects could relate to changes in insurance, legislation, regulation, funding, resource, workforces and customers, and attitudes and expectations, plus wholesale societal shifts.



What will be the pressure points in 2024 and how can they be managed in the near term and the longer term?

Importantly, change isn’t always a threat, it can offer exciting potential for good. What are the opportunities in 2024 and beyond, and how can they be explored and exploited?

How can small changes make a big difference? What changes in the way we manage risk could help risk managers, stakeholders, organisations and ultimately communities?

How does what risk managers do within the first 24 hours of an event change the chances of a successful recovery? What and how can changes to response impact emergency preparedness, resilience, business continuity and business planning?

What known knowns would benefit from flexing to meet present and near future needs and constraints?

The 2024 clock is ticking, so submit your ideas now. You have until Friday 24 November 2023.


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Successful applications for sessions will be based on:

  • Proposed content being specific, new and relevant to ALARM members.
  • Delivery of the session in workshop, panel discussion, Q&A, quiz, scenario, or trial formats. Attendee feedback has indicated that slide-based seminar formats that could be equally delivered online or as a webinar are not appropriate as members need to justify their attendance at in-person events.
  • Some level of attendee interaction and engagement.
  • Learnings from the session being made obvious, with attendee access to follow-up information and signposting to relevant information.

Submit your proposals 

Please complete the form below to submit your session proposal. You are welcome to submit up to three session proposals. You will need to complete a separate form for each.

As standard, each session will come with two speaker delegate places. If you require more than two speakers for a session, please email the ALARM Office.

Please note that priority will be given to member practitioners and Conference sponsors.