
We provide our members with outstanding support to achieve professional excellence including education, training, guidance and best practice, information and insight, networking, and industry recognition for excellence across risk management.


With over 900 members, ALARM is unique in that it is run by members, for members, so everyone can get involved. Membership is available to anyone with a responsibility for (but not limited to) risk, insurance, business continuity, emergency planning, governance, health & safety, assurance, audit and anti-fraud, across the following:



  • Local government - councils, unitary, mayoral offices, combined and devolved authorities
  • Blue light - police, crime commissioner offices, fire & rescue services, and ambulance services
  • Education - schools, colleges, universities, and exam boards
  • Central and devolved government departments and agencies
  • Health & social care - NHS trusts, GP surgeries, and care providers
  • Housing - registered providers, arm's length management organisations, for-profit housing providers, and councils
  • Third sector - charities and not-for-profit organisations
  • Other organisations commissioned to provide services to communities and citizens.

 Exclusive to members



  • Virtual groups and discussions - share questions, solutions and experiences in our groups area.
  • Member database - connect with risk and insurance professionals from similar organisations.
  • Get involved - improve existing skills and learn new ones by joining one of our committees, contibute to our knowledge hub, or join the ALARM Board and shape the future of the organisation. 
  • ALARM Risk Awards - our Risk Awards present a chance for teams and individuals to promote and share ideas and learnings, and to accept accolades publicly for the excellent work they do.




  • Lunchtime virtual sessions - regular online sessions delivered by industry experts.
  • Guidance documents - best practice guidance on emerging risks, written by practitioners and industry experts.
  • Online courses - virtual beginners and advanced risk management training.





  • Regional seminars - regular and sector specific regional one-day seminars with workshops delivered by industry experts
  • ALARM Conference, Exhibition and Risk Awards - our flagship annual two-day Conference, with over 30 educational workshops and networking opportunities.
  • Two-day conferences - two full days of learning, networking and training with members and industry experts in Scotland and the South. 




  • stronger, ALARM's member journal - quarterly journal on issues that matter to members.
  • ALARM news - opinion pieces, legal updates and best practice.
  • Weekly e-newsletter - a round-up of the latest developments from the ALARM network and wider sector.
  • ALARM website - a gateway to useful guidance, resources, networking and development opportunities.
  • Industry experts - access to insights, information and updates from ALARM sponsors.


Membership grades and fees

We offer a range of membership options. Whether you're a student or training on the job, or an experienced practitioner, we can help you to learn, develop, network, engage, and share best practice.

Full member

Available to employees and organisations that deliver services to the public.

Corporate membership

Organisations with four full members and above can transfer certain member benefits (excluding attendance at the ALARM Conference, Exhibition and Risk Awards and training courses) to colleagues. 


One member

£245 +VAT

Two members

£475 +VAT 

(£237.50 +VAT per person)

Three members

£690 +VAT

(£230 +VAT per person)

Four members

£880 +VAT

(£220 +VAT per person)

Five members

£1,050 +VAT

(£210 +VAT per person)

Six members+

£1,200 +VAT

(£200 +VAT per person)

A flat rate of £185 +VAT will apply for every member after six members.


Working student member

Available to individuals currently studying part time for a risk or insurance related qualification and are employed by a public service organisation.

£55 +VAT


Full time student member

Available to individuals currently studying full time for a risk or insurance related degree and not employed by a public service organisation.


Unemployed member

Available to individuals who have previously been an ALARM member for at least five years and who have been made redundant and are seeking re-employment with a public service organisation.

£55 +VAT

Retired member

Available to individuals who have previously been an ALARM member for at least five years and who have retired and are not currently seeking employment.

£55 +VAT

Associate member

Available to consultants and companies with five or fewer employees that provide services to our member organisations (limited to one individual per company).

£450 +VAT