The virtual conference has been designed to equip business leaders with the insight and knowledge needed to navigate a changing risk landscape. Join Gallagher live on 5 October 2023 where you’ll benefit from the opportunity to submit questions to guest speakers, or watch on demand after the event at your convenience.

While the conference is not specific to the publicly funded sector, the sessions will provide insight and knowledge into the issues facing your commercial partners. A real benefit for all within publicly funded organisations who rely on the private sector to deliver statutory functions, new infrastructure and essential service to the communities they serve.

Sessions of particular relevance for publicly funded organsiations include:

  • Session 1C 9.30am - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Dr Elspeth Johnson
    This is one of the most important discussions in society today. How do we engage with each other and what does that mean for forward thinking organisations? This session will be presented by a Senior Lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management who is also Faculty Director of her own Leading Strategic Change Program, the Founder and Co-Faculty Director of MIT’s Women’s Leadership Program and the Co-Faculty Director on the School’s flagship Advanced Management Program.
  • Session 2A 10.30am - Employee Value Proposition
    Employee retention is no longer just about money, employees are looking for more from their employer and those who are prepared to listen will benefit. Specialists from Gallagher Benefits Services will discuss practical ways to help you create a more people-centric and measurable experience, and how you will generate real value from the investment you make in your colleagues.
  • Session 3A 11.30am - Integrating Social Value into your business strategy – Steve Butterworth, Neighbourly & Hannah Vine, CHY Consultancy
    Social value is about understanding the relative importance that people place on improvements to their wellbeing. Understanding the challenges this presents to the private sector will help the publicly funded organisations better understand what is in the ‘art of the possible’ when it comes to driving real value from their engagement with commercial organisations. Steve and Hannah will be discussing what is meant by social value, how it fits into the wider corporate ESG agenda, and the commercial drivers behind why it is an important concept to be able to deliver and measure. This session is hosted by Tim Devine, Gallagher’s Regional Managing Director for Public Sector, Education, Communities & Housing.